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Ha Joon Chang comes on the Coronoanomics vlogcast and says South Korea has handled Covid better than the West and he doesn't want young Korean women in dance clubs

 Larry Frost

   Radical profitless professor at Cambridge University and radical lefties Ha Jon Chang came on some little viewed podcast called the Coronnomics which is a leftist program and along with the telegraph's Lizzy Burden and Independent's Ben Chu blasted president Trump and Boris Johnson for their response and Joon went on to great lengths about the Asian culture that is more accepting of authority  and rules as being the reason for the successful low numbers of South Korea and other Asian nations of Covid. The Independent and Telegraph are tow ultra-left wing pro-globalist media organizations and of course Mr Chang is part of the academia left-wing industrial complex , Ben Chu and this woman lied about the numbers and praised the strict authoritarian approach and Chu and Burden are supportive of the extremism of government and officials in locking down society in promoting the idea that we need a Asian restrictive response and lifestyle.

The program  spoke the continual lie of cultural supremacy of the Asian perspective and basically the lefties are supportive and using the Covid to attack the liberties and freedoms of the West and this is the whole hoax and scam of Covid and it is the freedoms that we have and have promoted that madmen authoritarians like Ha Joon Chang  are attacking through their lies of Covid. The hosts of Corononomics and this professor want a more disciplinarian

government that goes after any sign of individuality in society. Ha Joon bashed the West but praised the countries that have taken an aggressive approach on the freedoms of the individual and Joon Ha Chang praised the political governments of Australia and New Zealand with having  a more brutal restricted surveillance state.

Ha Joon and the Asian authoritarians want to use Covid to restrict peoples movement and destroy their privacy and be free of governmental intrusion and oppression. Ha Joon Chang is worried about the defunding and end of the reliance of Asian supplies lines as America and the West must produce their own products and not outsource the production of crucial medial equipment  to China and Asia. This sick British professor also doesn't like the influence of Western dance music and how young women in Korea often danced at clubs and thus he is supportive of a conservative repressive government action to shut down nightlife and for opportunities of girls like Kim Mong Suki being able to dance and enjoy life and thie youth as Joon is a loony bird bastard wishing for roe restrictive north Korean type lock down upon society in South Korea and the rest of the world.

Ha Joon is fearful of the fact that the Americans and Europeans will once again start to manufacture and prevent the power and dominance of the Authoritarian Heath fascists and business giants from Asia and this explains the massive hatred and resistance to populist leaders like Trump,Johnson, Bolsanaro as they threaten the wealth and power of China and South Korea. Ha Joon Chang is scared of globalization coming to an edn and insists that China and Asia wil always be the center of production of medical drugs and equipment along with the production of manufacturing of electronics and he said any plan to change it and return the manufacturing to America is an impossibility and should not happen nt being able to adjust it. Ha Joon says the supply lines are set and that Asia is the center of production and the rest of the world needs to accept this fact. 

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