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Models Own Nail Polish Heaven (Swatches)

In January, I received a surprise package from Slovenian online store Click2Chic with 5 Models Own polishes. I'm a big fan of this nail polish brand because usually they have a very nice formula that applies nicely and the colour selection also isn't bad. I received polishes from different collections. Usually, their polishes have a bit thicker formula that is perfect for stamping, but on the other hand, it's not too thick to disable an easy application. An easy application also enables wider flat brush, which works perfectly for my nails. I was the biggest fan of Models Own's Polish For Tans neon collection, those are still one of my favourite polishes to use.

Turquoise Sea is a polish from Polish for Tans 2015 collection. It's a turquoise cream polish and it's definitely my favourite of the bunch. I wore it so much in January that it ended up in my monthly favourites. It's has a very lovely opaque formula that glides on nails easily and I used two coats for these swatches. 

Everyday Grey is a polish from Hyper Gel collection. I have to say I didn't notice a huge difference in a formula of this and turquoise polish. This one is a grey cream shade with a nice formula that applies evenly on nails and I used two coats for these swatches. 

Crystal Pink has a sheer pink base with a lot of pink and silver flakes. It's one of those glittery polishes that applies nicely and evenly on nails. I layered one coat of this polish over Chrome Pearl. 

Chrome Turquoise is a blue shade with chrome finish. By this finish brush strokes can be quickly visible, so I suggest thinner coats. I applied two thicker coats for this swatch, so you can notice brush strokes on my swatches. What I love by this collection is that these polishes dry quite fast even without a top coat. I already reviewed two polishes from Colour Chrome collection (Silver and Cerise) and since these are practically the same I suggest you read that review for more information. 

Chrome Pearl comes in such a cute multichrome lilac bottle that I expected the shade will look the same, but was pretty disappointed because inside it's just a regular light silver shade. I mean, I do like silver, but if the shade would have multichrome effect as the bottle suggest this polish would be far more interesting. I used two coats for the swatches. 

Models Own polishes are available on Click2Chic for 5,95 €. Some polishes contain 14 ml while polishes from Colour Chrome collection contain 11 ml. All polishes I mentioned today are new arrivals in Slovenian online store Click2Chic. I would highly suggest you to try Models Own polishes with a cream finish from any of the collection. I can not guarantee how long they will last on your nails because I have quite weak nails and usually polishes chip fast on me, but I have to mention that I did wore Turquoise Sea for three days before it started to chip, so I'm not sure if this polish is so great or my nails are getting stronger. 

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Have you tried Models Own polishes? Which one of mentioned shades is your favourite? Thank you for reading!
*PR products


Januarja me je presenetil paket petih novih Models Own odtenkov s slovenske spletne trgovine Cick2Chic. Sama sem zelo zadovoljna uporabnica njihovih lakov, saj me formula, nanos in odtenki vedno znova navdušujejo. Laki, ki sem jih prejela, so iz različnih kolekcij in z različnimi finiši. Po navadi so njihove formula malce gostejše, kar jih naredi popolne za štempljanje, po drugi strani pa niso preveč goste, da bi onemogočale lahek nanos. Zelo všeč mi je tudi njihov širši čopič, s katerim dosti lažje nanesem lak kot z ožjim. Moja najljubša kolekcija pa je bila zagotovo neonska Polish for Tans, saj tri odtenke iz te kolekcije še vedno najraje uporabljam. 

Iz kolekcije Polish for Tans, ki je izšla leta 2015, je tudi odtenek Turquoise Sea, ki je prekrasen turkizen odtenek z modrim podtonom. Gre za moj najljubši odtenek iz peterice, pristal pa je tudi med mojimi januarskimi favoriti, saj sem ga januarja imela stalno na nohtih. Ima prekrasno prekrivno krem formulo, saj bi za popolno prekrivnost zadostoval že en sloj, vendar sama vedno uporabim dva.
Iz Hyper Gel kolekcije (ki naj bi imela zelo pigmentirano formulo lakov s sijočim finišem) sem prejela lak Everday Grey, ki je siv krem odtenek. Tudi njegova formula se zelo preprosto nanaša, čeprav moram priznati, da neke razlike s formulo turkiznega odtenka (v pigmentaciji in končnem sijaju) nisem opazila. Za swatch sem uporabila dva sloja. Crystal Pink vsebuje prozorno roza podlago z roza in srebrnimi breščicami, ki se nanašajo zelo enakomerno in prekrijejo noht že z enim potegom čopiča. Slojila sem ga čez odtenek Chrome Pearl. Iz kolekcije Colour Chrome sta se pri meni znašla dva nova odtenka Chrome Turquoise in Chrome Pearl. Kovinski finiš je eden izmed tistih finišev, ki ne prepriča vsakega, predvsem zaradi malce težjega nanosa in ker lahko hitro poudari nepravilnosti na nohtu, vendar sem sama navdušena nad njim. Razlog ni toliko v samem finišu kot v prekrasni gosti formuli, ki je naravnost popolna za štempljanje. Lake s kovinskim finišem je boljše nanašati v tankih slojih, saj so drugače lahko hitro vidne sledi čopiča (kar se vidi pri meni, ki sem nanašala debelejše sloje). Chrome Turquoise je moder kovinski odtenek, Chrome Pearl pa srebrn. Za swatche obeh sem uporabila dva sloja. Chrome Pearl ima prekrasno multichrome stekleničko in sama sem pričakovala, da bo tudi odtenek tak, vendar na žalost ni, kar je velika škoda, saj bi ga multichrome efekt naredil dosti bolj posebnega. 

Models Own laki so na voljo na Click2Chic za 5,95 €. Večina vsebuje 14 ml, laki iz Colour Chrome kolekcije pa 11 ml. Toplo priporočam lake predvsem s krem finišem, ker se res super nanašajo in tudi sama izbira odtenkov je velika. Verjetno se vse zavedamo, da obstojnost laka ni odvisna samo od same kvalitete laka, ampak tudi od tega, kako zdravi so vaši nohti. Naj povem, da je bil turkizen odtenek na mojih šibkih nohtih, na katerih se veliko lakov hitro okrušil, obstojen kar tri dni brez krušenja.

Ste že prezkusile Models Own lake? Kako so vam več? Hvala za pozornost!

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