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Time with Mommy at Mc Donald's #EqualCanada #CBias

Every weekend my mom and I go shopping, so I felt like this was the perfect time to go to the newly renovated Mc Donald's in my area.  Odd fact we only have three Mc Donald's in my city!
I wish I could have taken a picture of how nice it was inside but it was packed!! 
*NOTE* to self- NEVER go to Mc Donald's during lunch time its madness.
After sitting down and waiting for the line to calm down, we got up and ordered. Our Cashier was very sweet but new. Luckily he had the manager there helping him with our order. Before we ordered I showed the cashier two coupons that I received from the Shes Connected Conference for a free oatmeal & coffee. 
My mother wanted her coffee black. I asked if they had packets of Equal Sweeteners to go with my tea. The manager looked at me awkwardly and replied "We don't have that".

So of course I followed up with "What low calorie option are available? ". Spenda was there ONLY option. As you can see in the picture above. We didn't even receive the pack of Spenda which was offered to us.

I really think that Mc Donald's should offer different brands of Sweeteners to their customers.
They offer variety on their menu, so a sweetener like equal would fit right in!
Overall my mom enjoyed her oatmeal & coffee.
I took this picture, so I could admire her nails <3

Did you know that using equal instead of a four teaspoons of sugar each day will reduce your calorie count by 20,440 a year? That's insane!

Check out the Equal Canada Facebook page. and follow them on Twitter @EqualCanada.

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias

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